today...hemmm....i woke up a bit late because i still feel so sleepy. then, i took a bath and get ready to go. after everything is done, i walked into the bus station and waited for my bus.
then, i arrived in the xishi da jie and directly go to 2nd building #102 of darius's home stay. when i just got into the home, his mom asked me to eat for breakfast. T.T God...i just ate in home then i need to eat again...well, pretty good..makes my stomach wanna blow up...but then i must eat since his mom waited and looked for me.
after eating done, both of us was working on our presentation this night. we prepared it, so later on we can do the best.
around 1pm dianyi and olivia came also to darius's home stay. we will go together to Nankai University and have gathering there. however, before going to there, his mom asked us again to eat lunch...ohhhh...i still full u know...
moreover at 2.30pm we got off from home to NKU..we planed to deal with my sim card because it can't send message or even call abroad yet. we met another AISECers, his name is seven. he is very kind and nice person, i think.
furthermore, i need to pay around 200 yuan to activate my sim card T.T i dunno why....but it seems that everything is so complicated in here. this is my first time to face in this kind of situation. so, i decided to forget it. whatever...i don't want to use that kind of service.
then, we looked around the Tianjin Medical University...wew...there's a lot of Indian students there. suddenly i remember about my uni...hemm....even they open their restaurant inside the international dormitory there. this is kind of similar like zubaidah restaurant in my uni.
after that we went to AIESEC office, this is my first time to go there. isn't really big but a lot of people inside. hooo....i met many new faces. they're lovely.
we had a dinner in NKU cafeteria. i ate really nice food. duck with vegetables and bread. u's only 9 yuan..really cheap ^___^ i feel so full enough.
then, we walked into the gathering place. i thought the program is really big and many people will come.but the fact was not too many people and the program wasn't too cool for me.if i compare with the AIESEC UUM, i think AIESEC UUM is better to organize this kind of event. also, AIESEC UUM always use English to communicate with each other.
first tentative is speech from a professor who encourage students to go abroad and learn something new. his speech was quite long and it made my presentation with darius canceled. T.T we felt a bit disappointed. however, it's ok for us.we can present out lovely country next time. this time we only have time to presentate our project "We Can".
since it's already too late to go back home. me and olivia decided to stay in AIESEC office and came back tomorrow morning. actually i don't really like to stay here but since there is internet connection, everything is ok for me ^__^
have a good nite...
di situ baju darius kegedean, nice trip sist, jangan lupa oleh2! hehe..
T.T hahahha....pan darius si bapakk kades dari kabupaten bojonegoro..hihihihi
hokeyyyyyyy deeh de..^___^
Hi Nyomie!
wah acaranya tampak menarik!!!
jadi pengen segera exchange.. hehehe
Nyomie, exchange participant dari UB kah??
kapan pulang ke Indonesia?
oohh halooo widi ^__^
iyahh luamayan lah,,tp ga terlalu seru2 amat..
UB itu apa yah?? aku exchange dr AIESEC malay...tepatnya AIESEC UUM
duhh...pulang k Indonesia,,insya allah september ini...
UB itu Universitas Brawijaya hehehe
ooohh Nyomie ikut AIESEC di UUM..
wow! asik asik!!
aku dari AIESEC di Indonesia :)
hoooo...maav yahh..baru tau..hehehhe..
iya salam kenal yahhh ^___^
kmaren smpet baca blognya AIESEC Surabaya...kayanya seru jg..
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